What Started it All?

Mission Statement

Mentor Me of Ulster County’s™ mission is to match at-promise youth to inspiring mentors focused on whole person wellness and supportive relationships.

We pride ourselves in recognizing that every child comes from a unique background and experiences toxic stress and life situations in different ways. 

We pay attention to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).

We ASK the compassionate questions, respond in HELPing statements and work towards HOPE.


Stephanie Kresser, LCSW
Founder & CEO

“As a former Attendance Social Worker, I worked with mostly toddlers and adolescents. 

I often saw children who suffer from family conflict, mental illness, and homelessness. However, the most prevalent issue I have seen in my work with chronically absent children, are children who do not have a significant role model or adult figure in their life.

To combat this and to be an agent of change, I worked with passion and determination to form Mentor Me of Ulster County™, a non-profit mentoring program.

My passion lies in calling our community to action, to support families, guide children, and promote a strong educational base for all children. I hope that you will join us!”